Anchor Point, 7355 in EE at 1211 with Bible stories in contemporary EE. (Brossell, WI)
1255 with pgm of contemporary Christian music and M ancr. (Taylor, WI)
ANGOLA—Radio Nacional Angola, 4950-Mulenvos in PP at 0225
with (p) contemporary local music with M ancr. (Taylor, WI)
Argentina al Exterior, 15345-Gral Pacheco,
with SS talks at 2350. (Brossell,
ASCENSION ISLAND—BBC South Atlantic Relay, 7445 at 0534 on India’s poor and how Mother
Theresa would have acted, 11810 with news at 2104. (Sellers, BC) 17850 at 1750
with a Sudanese official countering accusations of the government withholding
food from the people. (KB2DMD, PA)
Northern Territory, 4835-Alice Springs at 0930 with usual fanfare and news by
W, then unto songs and W geature at 1003. (Valko, PA) Reach
Beyond Australia,
9625-Kununurra in II at 2221 with M ancr taking at some length. (Taylor, WI)
12075 at 1354 with W in Hindi. (Brossell,
Austria International, 6155-Moosbrunn at 0509 with news in GG. (Sellers, BC)
Adventist World Radio,
15290-Moosbrunn at 1550 with W talking in Punjabi.(KB2DMD, PA)
Relay, 4930-Mopeng Hill at 0346 with a political discussion, 7275 with M/W
doing news, 9815 at 0436 in the Kinyarwanda language with an interview.
(Sellers, BC) 15580 with African Beat
at 2022. (Brossell, WI)
Radio Municipal, Sao Gabriel, at
0948 with an ad block, ID and into domestic pops, (Valko, PA)
Radio Caiari, Porto Velho, at 0953
with deep-voiced M hosting a possible religious feature, clear ID, ad block,ID
jingle and promo at 1007, M DJ and into music. (Valko, PA)
Radio Difusora Amazonas, Manaus, 4805. Came on
between 0840-0955. M at 0957, ad block at
1000, website and phone, pgm promo. (Valko, PA)
Radio Difusion Rorarima, Boa Vista,
4875 at 0919 with M DJ taking callers, ID at 1005. (Valko, PA)
with songs in PP at 0351 with mellow music. 30 seconds of dead air before the
0400 ID. (Taylor, WI)
Radio Cultura do Para, Belem, 4885 at 1000 with
ID and brief anmt. (Valko, PA)
Radio Alvorada, Manaus, 4965 at 0919 with ad block, ID and
another ad./promo black later Journal Alvorada pgm. (Valko, PA)
Radio Brazil Central, Goiania, 4985 at 0919
with lively Brazilpops, canned ID ID at 0924 with RTTY QRM on either side. (Valko, PA)
Radio Rio Mar, Manaus (p), 6160. Surprised to find CKZN
inaudible. Usual shouted IDs at 1005. (Valko,
Radio Marumby, Curitaba, 9515 at
2345 with usual singing ID jingle. Suddenly off at 2351. (Valko, P) Doing well
at 2348. (Perry, IL)
Super Radio Deus e Amor, Curitiba (p) 9565.1 at
0044 with a preacher and brief music interludes. (Taylor, WI)
Radio Aparecida, Aparecida, 9630
with W ancr and songs. (Sellers, BC)
Radio Nacional Amazonia, Brasilia, 11780-Brasilia
at 0300 with ID and talks. (Brossell, WI)
Radio Banderiantes, Sao Paulo, 11925 at 0236, //9645.4 with M/W
ancrs. (Delibert, MD)
Toronto, 6070 at 0446 with a host
talking with three comedians, also ads for Rogers Wireless and Alarmforce, then
into Day One ID.(Sellers, BC)
CKZN, St. John’s
6160 at 0231 with an interview at 0238. (Taylor,
WI) 0445 with 0518 with CBCs Day Six pgm, hosted by Brent Bradbury.
Nothing heard from CKZU. (Sellers, BC)
Bible Voice, 11875 via Nauen at 1650
with W talking at some length and South Asian music. (Taylor, WI)
CHINA—China Radio
International, 7260-Xi’an in JJ at 1155 with upbeat pops. (KB2DMD, PA)
7415-Kashi with the Beijing Hour at
2035, also 9710-Kashi with SS songs at 0255. 17710-Beijing at 0620. (Padazopulos, Greece) 7300-Urumqi at 2311 with
news and features pgm in CC hosted by several M, light music and some EE. (D’Angelo,
PA) 7410-Jinhua at 1150 in (l) Tagalog, 9645-Beijing at 1140 in Cantonese,
11935-Shjiahuang at 1220 with M/W in RR, 13580-Kunming with pops at 1155.
Abrupt close at 1157. (Brossell,
CPBS, 7345-Beijing with W and
Mandarin at 1132 (Brossell,
WI) 11710-Beijing at 2357 with
M/W and several CC anmts, 5+1 time pips at TOH. (D’Angelo, PA)
Nei Menggu PBS, Hohhot, 7270 at 1211 in Mongolian with
Central Asian music. (Taylor,
WI ) 9750 with acapella and talks
in Mongolian. (Brossell, WI)
China National Radio/CPBS,
11710-Beijing at 2357 with M/W in CC, 5 +1 time pips on the hour, ID and news.
(D’Angelo, PA)
Voice of the Strait, Fuzhou, 4940 at 1049 with
M/W in Mandarin. (Brossell,
WI) 1257 in Mandarin with M and
brief sound bites, then M/W ancrs. (Taylor,
Xinjiang PBS, 7230-Urumqi in
Mongolian at 1207. (Brossell,
Firedragon jammer, 9410 at 2110
against RFA. Jamming stopped at 2200, then went into CRI in PP from Kashi. (Taylor,
Prague, 9955 via Okeechobee at 0310 with SS comments. (Padazopulos, Greece)
6050-Pinchincha with a Christian song, Ecuadorian national anthem at 0457,
choir and into SS anmt, time pips and off. (Sellers, BC) 1105 with SS talks. (Brossell, WI)
ENGLAND—BBC Relay, Oman,
12035 with an interview at 0408. 12060 via South Africa at 0500 with BBC News, was looking for Lead
Africa. (Sellers, BC)
France International, 7295-Issoudun in Hausa with jazz at 0618, 21580 with W in
FF at 0518. (KB2DMD, PA) 7390-Issoudun at 0457 with news bulletin in FF at TOH.
(Sellers, BC)
Welle, 9800 via South Africa at 0512 discussing the popularity and political
challenges for Angela Merkel, 12025 at 0405 with ID and line up for Into Europe pgm. (Sellers, BC)
15215-Trincomalee Relay at 1348 in (l) Dari. (Brossell, WI)
15275 via Trincomalee in Swahili at 1546 with W and a phone interview. (KB2DMD, PA)
GREECE—Voice of Greece, 9420-Avlis in Greek at
0249. (Brossell, WI)
4055 at 1110 with hymns and anmts in SS. (Brossell,
GUYANA—Voice of Guyana, Georgetown, 3290 at 0936 seemingy having
modulation problems. (Valko,
INDIA—All India Radio, 4920-Chennai at 1250 in
Tamil with South Asian music and M ancr. (Taylor, WI) 9445-Bengaluru on the
disappearance of Americans and Indians in Pakistan, plus music and other
features, 15175-Panaji (Goa) at 1520 in Gujarati with M talking (KB2DMD, PA)
9445-Benguluru at 2201-2230* with W and news and ID for GOS at 2206. (D’Angelo,
PA) 15050-Delhi at 1340 in (l) Sinhalese. (Brossell, WI)
Republik Indonesia,
Merauke (Papua) 3905 in II at 1157 with pops, f/by time check and news. (Delibert, MD)
6040-Sirjan at 2002 with EE commentary, also 7225-Kalamabad in SS at 0232. (Padazopulos, Greece) 9720 at 2159 with Qur’an
recitations. (Brossell, WI)
JAPAN—NHK Radio Japan, 9765 via Nauen at 1835 with
songs in JJ. (Padazopulos, Greece)
Radio Nikkei One, 6055-Nagara at
1243 in JJ with various JJ group dance music. Pgm Two, 6115-Nagara at 1238 with
M/W talking at some length. (Taylor,
WI) 9595 in JJ at 1110. (Brossell, WI)
MALAYSIA—Sarawak FM, 9835-Kuching at 1114 with M in (l) Malay. (Brossell, WI)
MOROCCO—Radio Medi
Un, 9575-Nador at 0414 in AA with vocals and instls. (Sellers, BC)
Zealand International, 9700-Rangitaiki
on the lack of qualified doctors in Papua New Guinea. (Brossell, WI)
11725 with news at 0502. (Sellers, BC)
NIGERIA—Voice of Nigeria, Ikorudu 7255 at 0615 with
talks. (KB2DMD, PA)
of Tibet (via Tajikistan to China), at 1351 with W in (l)
Tibetan. (Brossell, WI)
Denge Kurdistane, (via Moldova to
Kurdistan), 9400 in Kurdish at 2154, W singer, M with what did not sound like
Qur’an recitations, joined later by an oud-like inst and anthem-like song by W
chorus. Off in mid-song at 2159. (Taylor,
Radio Biafra, (via Bulgaria to Nigeria),
11600 at 2100 with mostly call-ins on politically related situations in Nigeria. Music
at 2025, ID and an interview. (Taylor,
Dandal Kura Radio (via Ascension to Nigeria),
7415 with two M talking in (l) Kanuri. (KB2DMD, PA)
Radio Tamajuzi (via France to Sudan), 9600 with two M in Sudanese
at 0418. (Sellers, BC)
Huanta dos Mil, 4748, Huanta at 1028 with M in Quechua, 1933 ad/promo block
with phone number and ID. Faded quickly between 1045-1050 and barely audible by
then. (Valko, PA)
Radio Tarma, Tarma,4775 at 0956 with
usual sign on routine into Musica Folklorica Nacional pgm. (Valko, PA)
Broadcasting Company, 9920-Iba at 1205 with talks in the (l) the Jarai
language. (Brossell, WI)
Free Whatever, 6960u, 0028 hosted by Dick Weed and a laundromat friend playing
tunes and taking requests from posts on HF Underground. (Lobdell, WI)
0037 with a Lou Reed number. (Hassig,
IL) 2345 with ID and punkish
numbers. (Taylor, WI)
Moonlight Radio, 6930u at 2317 with
Rick James numbers, full ID just before sign off. (Lobdell, MA)
6935u at 2309 with music and vague talk. ID from HF Underground. (Taylor, WI)
2331 with some static jazz, applause, more jazz. (Hassig, IL)
6940 with guitar and enthusiastic audience. (Taylor, WI)
Liquid Radio, 6925 at 0045 but poor
and weak; could hear music poking through the noise level. Also at on different
days at 0008, 0019, 2130.(Hassig,
IL) 0104 with a dance thing up
briefly through the noise. This one is a regular here on Saturdays. (Lobdell, MA)
Wolverine Radio, pgm 6960u at 0123
and various songs with death themes. SSTV/FAX SFX at 0220, 0212 with songs
using life or living (Hassig, IL) 0127-0238 and SSTV QSL of a virus. (Taylor, WI)
Old Time Radio, 6770 at 0205 with
what sounded like the Jack Benny pgm. 0245 with Burns and Allen, 0341 with the
Mel Blanc pgm. (Hassig, IL)
Amphetamine Radio, 6925u at 1940
with rock, frequent IDs, SSTV. (Lobdell,
Pee Wee Radio, 6940u at 0193 with
rock/pop, CW ID at 0116, SSTV, another song and off. (Taylor, WI)
6950u at 0120-0139 with heavy metal, SSTV/FAX at 0142, CW at 0144 and off. (Hassig, IL)
6955u at 0123 with talk about saving the human race, “Ghost Riders in the Sky,"
another talk on motorcycle riding, another SSTV, CW ID and off. (Taylor, WI)
Brownie Radio, 6905u at 0000-0008 with various songs,
computerized W voice with ID to closedown. (Lobdell, WI)
Big Johnson Radio, 6930u at 0310 poor with blues and UTE
QRM. (Hassig, IL)
Captain Morgan, 6924.5 at 0212 weak with ID via HF
Underground. (Taylor, WI)
WJD, 3495 barely detected at 0115. (Hassig, IL)
6920u at 0034 with rock and IDs. (Taylor,
WLIS (We Love Interval Signals) 6925u at 1202 with RRI Indonesia, KTWR, Vatican. ID at 1206 close. Nice QSL
after a post on HF Underground. (Lobdell,
Black Cat Radio, 6935u at 0014ID, rock thing, SSTV image, ID
and blues number to 0026 close. (Lobdell,
Red Beacon Radio, 7610 at 1630 playing heavy metal rock,
finally IDing. Claims only 15 watts and is looking for relays. Nice QSL from
(Lobdell, WI)
1847 with metal and hard rock, audio cutting out. (Valko, PA)
Radio Azteca, 6925.3 atr 2045 poor/weak under low noise
floor. (Taylor, WI)
Radio Zed, 6925 at 0242 with jazzy clarinet, weak but ID
heard, (Taylor, WI)
Howdy Doody Radio, 6925.3 at 2153 with short bit of female
child character, then signal dropped into static floor. ID from HF Ubdergroud.
(Taylor, WI)
Little Feat-UK, 6320 at 2335-0003*
with various numbers, IDs and email as (Lobdell, MA)
Shortwave Ghost, 6850 with rock,
echo ID at 0011 with NA sung by a W, then off.(Hassig, IL)
6950 at 0010 with music and IDs. Email address and ID at 0037 close.(Taylor, WI)
XEROX-Radio Duplicado, 6925.4 at 2258
poor/weak with storm static. (Hassig,
IL) 6950 at 0007 with reggae, ID,
several IDs at 018 and 0033. (Taylor,
Technical Man-Holland, 6225 at
2249-0021 with several pieces and M with frequent IDs. (Lobdell, MA)
Radio Voyager-Italy, 6950 at 2259
with mostly soft jazz and frequent IDs. QSL from
Op says he is near Venice
using 500 watts. (Lobdell, MA)
Romania International, 5910-Tiganesti at 0255-0258* with instl music noted
while trying for the Ugandan clandestine. (D’Angelo, PA) 6020 on the Chinese
economy at 0440. (Sellers, BC) 7390 at 0443 with a mailbag pgm. (Sellers, BC)
7360-Galbeni with two W in FF. (KB2DMD, PA) 0615 with commentary. (Padazopulos, Greece)
11820-Jeddah at 2140-2152 with recitations, f/by AA talk and more of same. (D’Angelo,
PA) 15225-Riyadh in AA at 1542 with talks. (KB2DMD, PA) 15380 in AA at 1336,
15575 at 1255 with IS, ID and into EE. (Brossell, WI)
East Relay, 9510 at 0005 with M ancr in Burmese. (Taylor,
WI)15510 at 1148 on the US Civil War. (Brossell, WI)
Africa,3345-Meyerton at 0422 on the history of Africans enslaved in America, 7230 at 0517 with a feature on Botswana.
(Sellers, BC)
Radio Sonder Grense, 3320-Meyerton
at 0402 in Afrikaans with blusey instls. (KB2DMD PA) This one really thumping
in here at 0245. (Perry, IL)
7275 at 1156 in KK, 1200 with fanfare and ID by W. (Taylor, WI)9740-Kimjae
at 1604 with news in KK. (Padazopulos,
SUDAN—Sudan Radio,7205 with M in AA at 0330. (Brossell, WI)
World Radio, 3200-Manzini at 0338 with M preaching with many “Amens”, 4775 in
GG at 0401 and choir with hymn and M speaker.(Sellers, BC) 9500 at 1805 with
news in EE. (Padazopulos, Greece)
Taiwan International, 6105-Kouho at 2237 two M in Mandarin with instls music
and anmts at TOH. (D’Angelo, PA) 15265 with M/W in Mandarin at 1318. (Brossell, WI)
TURKEY—Voice of Turkey, 9655 at with a mailbag pgm
at 0423. (Sellers, BC) 15450 at 1226 with Mideast
music and an ID at 1228. (Brossell,
of America,
9490 Ascension relay at 2151 with talks in (l) Bambara, 9490 Northern Marianas
Relay in KK at 1214, 11990 Philippine relay at 1220 with W in KK. 15115 Thailand
Relay at 1315 with M in Mandarin. (Brossell, WI) 15580 via Vatican at 2118 with pops, 17895 at
1726 on restoration of Jimi Hendrix’ apartment. (KB2DMD, PA)
RFE/RL, 7435 Lampertheim Relay in RR
at 0628. (KB2DMD, PA) 7470-via Mongolia
in Tibetan at 1305 and 11890 Lampertheim
in RR at 1652. (Taylor, WUI) 15225 via Wertachtal at 1407 with talks in (l)
Turkmen. (Brossell, WI)
Radio Free Asia, 15275 with talks by
W in Tibetan at 1310. (Brossell,
WMLK Bethel, PA,
9275 at 11834 with M preacher but not strong enough to be audible. Thanks Ralph
Perry for the tip. (Valko, PA) 946-2007 with EE religion, program
address at TOH, then another religious pgm .(D’Angelo, PA)
Adventist World Radio, 15150 via
Nauen in Punjabi at 1518. (KB2DMD, PA)
VATICAN—Vatican Radio, 7360, .//11625 (via Madagascar)
at 0517 on teaching children. (Sellers, BC) 7360 at 0303 on worship in Africa,
15570 at 2017 on human rights abuses in Africa.
(Brossell, WI)
VIETNAM—Voice of Vietnam, 7220-Sontoy at 1153 in RR
with W talking. (KB2DMD, PA)7435-Son Toy in VV at 1208 with M/W in VV, musical
bridges.(Taylor, WI)
Fist bumps,
man-hugs, back slaps and high fives to the following folk for their faithful
support: Arthur Delibert, Bethesda, MD; KB2DMD; Rich Parker, Pennsburg, PA;
Fotios Padazopulos, Athens, Greece; Dave Valko, Dunlo, PA; Richard D’Angelo,
Wyomissing, PA; Harold Sellers, Vernon, BC; Mark Taylor, Madison, WI; and
Robert Brossell, Pewaukee, WI.
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