Thursday, June 30, 2016

July 2016 SWL Logs

ALASKAKNLS, Anchor Point, 7355 with “Creation Moments” at 1203. (Brossell, WI)

ALBANIARadio Tirana, 9855-Shijak at 0125, good but with heavy band noise and strong local QRM. (Wood, MA) 2258 with IS and ID, f/by apparent news in Albanian. (Brossell, WI)

ALGERIARadio Algerienne, 9655 via France at 2149 with M in AA. (Sellers, BC)

ANGOLARadio Nacional, 4950-Mulvenos in PP at 0001 in PP with Afropop. ID at 0000. (Taylor, Lake Farm DXP, WI)

ARGENTINARadio Argentina al Exterior, Gral Pacheco in SS at 2308 with SS talks, (Brossell, WI)

ASCENSION ISLANDBBC South Atlantic Relay, 9915 with BBC Commentary at 0750, 11770 at 2217. (Padazopulos, Greece) 2145 with a report on ISIS and whether the US is ready for war. (Brossell, WI)

AUSTRALIARadio Australia, 17840 at 2243 with discussion of the Iraq War. (KB2DMD, PA)
ABC Northern Territory Service, 4835-Alice Springs with an interview at 1220. (Brossell, WI)

AUSTRIA—Adventist World Radio, 11955-Moosbrunn at 2103-2129* with religious vocals, then W with Story Time, closing ID and anmts at 2126, f/by instl until carrier off. (D’Angelo, PA)

BOTSWANAVOA Relay, 6080 at 0330 with a report on Russian military presence in Syria. (Brossell, WI) 9815 at 0506 with an ID for “Daybreak Africa,” then a feature about Burundi. (Sellers, BC)

BRAZIL(all in PP - gld)
Radio Alvorada de Londrina (presumed) 4858 at 0105 with fast-moving M/W and music bridges. Still there past 0115. All three of us (Charlie, Bill, and myself) were using different RXs, so it didn’t seem to be receiver-generated. (Taylor, Lake Farm DX, WI)
Radio Novo Tempo, Campo Grande, 4890 at 0032 with M at length, several time checks after 0100. (Taylor, Lake Farm DX, WI)
Radio Daqui, Goiania, 4915 with talks at 2331. (Brossell, WI)
Voz Missionaria, Florinapolis, 9665 with talks at 2252. (Brossell, WI)
Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia, 11780 with talks at 0331-0356 with anmts by M, several nice IDs and pgm of Brazilian pops. (D’Angelo, PA) 2328. (Brossell, WI) 0430 with deep-voiced ancr taking calls. (KB2DMD, PA)
Radio Banderiantes, Sao Paulo, 11925 at 0110 with an apparent soccer match. (Valko, PA)

CANADACFRX, Toronto, 6070 at 2155-2206 on monkeys, f/by several “News Talk 10-10” IDs and news. (D’Angelo, PA)
CKZN, St. Johns (Newfoundland) (p) 6160 at 0147 with W interviewing M about theater in NYC. (Taylor, Lake Farm DX, WI) 0435 with business pgm on Avenue Radio Studios. At 0501 heard an echo during news, a sign that CKZU was weak in the background and carrying the same newscast. (Sellers, BC)
CKZU, Vancouver, 6160 with CBC Radio One pgm, f/by a discussion on voting in British Columbia. (Brossell, WI)

CHINAChina Radio International, 7325-Xi’an in listed JJ at 1320, 7360-Kunming in (l) Thai at 1215, 7440-Nanning in Mandarin at 1231, 9855-Beijing in Mandarin at 1203, 13575 in RR at 1212 and 15410-Kashi in Mandarin at 1410. (Brossell, WI) 6180-Kashi at 0014 with People in the News. Topic seemed Chinese-Canadian relations. (D’Angelo, PA) 7415-Kashi with an interview at 2115, 11610-Kashi at 1545, 11665-Urumqi, 13540-Kashi at 1545, 17630 via Mali at 1430. (Padazopulos, Greece)
CPBS, Sichuan 6060 at 1246 in an Asian language (Yuri listed) with M/W ancrs. (Sellers, BC) 7305-Shijiazhuang in Mandarin at 1211. (Brossell, WI)
China National Radio, CNR-1 jammer 11600 in Mandarin at 1158 with ancr, 3+1 time pips, ID  and M talk, all versus Sound of Hope relay of RFA or Radio Taiwan International, CNR2-11740-Lingshi at 1207 with commentary. (Padazopulos, Greece)

CUBARadio Havana Cuba, 5040 at 0107 in EE. (Padazopulos, Greece) 11670 at 1908 with ID, web address and news, (Sellers, BC)

ECUADORHCJB, 11895 via Ascension with M in (l) Fulani at 2156. (Brossell, WI)
Radio Akbah Rufiah (HCJB) 11985 via Ascension with W in Hausa to Africa/Midle East and some hybrid selections. (Taylor, WI)

EGYPTRadio Cairo, 9965-Abis in AA at 0041 with apparent news, Relatively clear audio for once. (Wood, MA)

ENGLANDBBC,5960 Oman Relay at 2217, 9410-Meyerton at 0735, 12095 via Meyerton at 2217, 15420 via Dhabbaya at 0725, also 17640 via Madagascar. (Padazopulos, Greece) 11945 via South Africa at 0540 with an interview on Burundi. (Sellers, BC) 9410-Al- Seela (Oman) at 0440 with AA talks, ID, Big Ben. (KB2DMD, PA)

GERMANYDeutsche Welle, 11820 via Madagascar at 0429 with Africa Link, 15250 via France at 0551 into Spectrum with a feature on a brewery. (Sellers, BC) 9800 via Meyerton with an interview at 0436. (KB2DMD, PA) 15215 via Sri Lanka in (l) Dari at 1333. (Brossell, WI)

GREECEERT, 9420 at 2206 with talks in Greek. Some brief interruptions in their audio. More serious audio problems on the 9935 outlet. (Sellers, BC) 2258 with songs in GG. (Brossell, WI)

GUAMAdventist World Radio, 9900 in Mandarin at 1337. (Brossell, WI)
KTWR/Trans World Radio, 9910 in Mandarin at 1102. (Brossell, WI)

INDIAAll India Radio, 7550-Delhi at 2155, 9445-Bengaluru at 2207, both in EE. (Padazopulos, Greece) 9445-Bengaluru at 2201-2230* with W and news in EE and several brief audio cuts in the transmission, nice ID at 2206, more music at 2210 to s/off anmts at 2229 and GOS ID. (D’Angelo, PA) 9600-Khanpur in EE at 1328. (Taylor, WI) 2200 with W and news, 9940-Bengaluru at 1240 with a domestic song and M/W in (p) Burmese and some kind of drama, (Sellers, BC) 9445-Bengaluru with sub-continental songs at 2145. (Brossell, WI)

INDONESIARadio Republik Indonesia, 3325-Palangkara in II at 1245 with easy and instl II pops, 3905-Merauke with soft II pops at 1231 (Sellers, BC)

JAPANNHK Radio Japan, 5910 with a lengthy JJ talk. (Sellers, BC)
Radio Nikkei One, 3925 in JJ at 1155 with talk, one tone then music at 1299 Radio Two, 3945 with JJ and Western pop at 1152. At 1156 “You’re listening to R-N-2.” Fair, with ham QRM, 9595 at 1100 with M in JJ. (Sellers, BC)

MALAYSIASarawak FM, 9835-Kajang, with M in (l) Malay at 1105, (Brossell, WI)
Wai FM, (p) 11665-Kajang. EE rockabilly and M/W ancrs, mellow Malay music and non-Qur’an chanting. (Taylor, WI)

NEW ZEALANDRadio New Zealand International, 9700 at 1200 with IS, ID and Pacific region news. (Brossell, WI)

NORTH KOREAVoice of Korea, 7570-Kujang in EE at 2210 in EE. (Padazopulos, Greece) 15105 at 0547 with VOK voices in EE. (Sellers, BC)
Korea Central Broadcasting Station, 3320 at 1216 with classical style songs. (Sellers, BC) 9665 at 1217 with victory songs and martial music. (Brossell, WI)

OMANRadio Sultan of Oman, Thumrait, 15140 at 1405 with news in EE. (Padazopulos, Greece) 1426 with M ID, into M talking at some length, then another in EE mentioning their Twitter and Facebook accounts, ID anmts and into pops. (D’Angelo, PA) 1450 western-style DJ at 1450 with pops and dance things and a call-in request line. Weather in downtown Muscat. (KB2DMD, PA)

OPPOSITION—Dimtsi Radio Erena (via Kostinbrod to Eritrea), 11885 at 1735 in Oromo with upbeat Ethiopian music. (KB2DMD, PA)
Denge Kurdistane (p), 11600 (via Issoudun to Turkey), at 0520 with ME music, M in (p) Kurdish. (Sellers, BC) 1826 in Kurdish with W and local music and talks, f/by a section of martial music and presumed soldiers marching. (Taylor, WI)
Radio Dabanga (Via Vatican to Sudan), 11650 at 0529 with many IDs, one in (p) Sudanese AA. (Sellers, BC)

PHILIPPINESFar East Broadcasting Co., 9920 at 1210 with M/W talks in (l) Rade/Ede. (Brossell, WI)
Radio Veritas Asia, 11935-Palaug at 0016 in Karen language. With W ancr and a contemporary hymn. (Taylor, WI)

PIRATES—“Spy Numbers” 6925 at 0156 with M giving 5 number sets in RR. Unsure if this is a “legit” station or a pirate. I’d guess the latter. (Taylor, WI)
Radio Zed, 6935u at 0211 with W singing the blues. (Hassig, IL)
Boom Box Radio, 6896 at 0118, poor and slowly drifting up. (Hassig, IL)
Wolverine Radio, 6935u at 0034 with a variety of big band swing and pop numbers with a “sun” theme. (Hassig, IL) 6950 at 0033 with pgm of “sun” and “sunny” numbers. (Taylor, WI) 0041 with songs about water. (Lobdell, WI)
Radio Free Whatever, 6945u at 0015 with Dick Weed and assistant Stavin with usual assortment of alternative rock and frequent shoutouts to HF Underground posters. (Lobdell, MA) 0036 with usual pgm of what I’d call progressive or Indie rock. (Taylor, WI)
WAZU, 6925 at 2200 with veteran pirate Fearless Fred with pgm of tunes by Zappa and others, including humorous comments. He pronounced “Z” as “Zed,” so maybe from Canada? (Lobdell, MA) 6958 at 0011 very fady with talk, and talk about an ad block. (Hassig, IL)
Captain Morgan, 6925 at 0033 with weak signals and indistinct talk; slowly improving to ID on a peak. (Taylor, WI) 0140 with blues numbers at 0140-0200*. (Lobdell, MA) 6949.7 at 0117 with contemporary dance things and “Captain Morgan” inserted into the song. Off at 0131. (Taylor, WI)
Radio Free Whatever, 6950/6960u at, 2325-2345 with “Dick Weed” and rock. 0024-0052* with Dick Weed and a pro marijuana pgm. (Lobdell, MA)
The Crystal Ship, 6850 at 0012 signing on with “Magic Carpet Ride” f/by more pop/rock. Frequent computer-voiced IDs. (Lobdell, MA) 0029 with pop/rock. ID from Monty Python. (Taylor, WI) 6876 at 0012 with John Poet with rock and frequent IDs. (Lobdell, MA)
XLR8, 6955 011 with things by several rock/pop groups. M with ID at 0122. (Lobdell, MA) 0119 with indistinct signal, some talk, then a clear ID and into heavy metal, eventually a pgm of somewhat obscure rock and esoteric music. (Taylor, WI) Various rock songs and punk things at 2356. (Hassig, IL)
Radio Casablanca, 6940 weak at 0103 with song by Edith Piaf, Frank Sinatra, big band music, Gave as an email address (Hassig, IL)
Radio Illuminati International, 6150 at 1908-1920*. Just caught end of the transmission, One tune, then multiple sign off anmts, mention of Facebook. Later days at 2317-2346 and 0047-0059* with many pop oldies. (Lobdell, MA)
Red Beacon Radio, 7610 at 1900-210 with M station op chatting about pirate radio and his equipment. Said he was running 20 watts and played several pop/rock numbers. (Lobdell, MA)
Pee Wee Radio, 6934.8u at 0225 with electric blues, CW ID. (Taylor, WI)
Radio Ga Ga, 6935u at 0108 with things by “Prince.” (Taylor, WI)

ROMANIARadio Romania International, 9760-Gaalbeni at 2246-2256* with M/W hosting a letters pgm. Closing anmts at 2255, f/by IS. (D’Angelo, PA)

SAO TOME—Voice of America Relay, Pinheira, 4960 good in PP at 0427. But very difficult to get audio out of the static crashes. (KB2DMD, PA)

SAUDI ARABIA—BSKSA, 9870-Riyadh at 2147 with M in AA and AA/Western dance music, 15295 at 0552 in Hausa with frequent mentions of “Islam.” (Sellers, BC) 2256-2300* with vocals until 2300, news in AA. (D’Angelo, PA) 17705 with Koran recitations at 1349. (Brossell, WI)

SINGAPOREBBC Far East Relay Station, 9740 at 1230 and remotes, sports pgming, f/by news. (Sellers, BC)

SOLOMAN ISLANDSSLBC, 5020 at 0603 playing a mix of island and western pop, W in Pidgin. Ads at 0630, some in EE, SIBC ID at 0659, mention of 5020 and 9545, “Radio Happy Isles” and “Voice of the Nation” IDs, national news at 0700, 1154 with daily devotional, 1159 ID and closing anmts, NA. (Sellers, BC)

SOUTH AFRICAChannel Africa, 15255 at 0638 with IS and talk on climate change. (Sellers, BC)

SOUTH KOREAKBS World Radio, 7275 at 1321 with IS, ID f/by W in KK, 15575 at 1321 with a report on families separated by the Korean War. (Brossell, WI)

SPAINRadio Exterior de Espana, 15500-Nobeljas at 1853-1926 W and several M ancrs with SS coverage of a sporting event, IDs as “Deportivo Radio Nacional.” (D’Angelo, PA)

SWEDENIBRA Radio, 9390 via Tashkent at 0018 with apparent radio play in (l) Bengla. (Wood, MA)

SWAZILANDTrans World Radio, 3240 at 0335 with group singing and anmts in (l) Ndau. (Brossell, WI)

TAIWANRadio Taiwan International, 9735 at 1147 with a W in JJ. (Brossell, WI) 11635-Pachung at 2232 with M and talk in CC, f/by music at 2258, 5 + 1 time pips at 2300, M/W with news. (D’Angelo, PA)

THAILANDRadio Thailand, 15590 at 0002 with M/W discussing economic growth there. (Brossell, WI)

TURKEYVoice of Turkey, 15450 at 1312 with Turkish songs. (Brossell, WI)

UNITED STATES—Voice of America, 9490 via Ascension in Bambara with western-style pop and African numbers anmts, then off suddenly at 2159+. (Sellers, BC) Northern Marianas Relay, 9490 at 1217 with talks in KK, 11990 Lampertheim Relay at 1301 in KK, 15115 with W in Mandarin at 1342. (Brossell, WI)
Radio Ashna/VOA, 12075 Kuwait Relay in AA at 1723. (Taylor, WI)
Radio Free Asia, 9885 via at 0120 heard briefly through Chinese jammer. (Wood, MA) 9950 Northern Marianas Relay with W in VV at 1420, 15275 via Tajikistan at 1342 with talks in (l) Tibetan. (Brossell, WI)
Radio Liberty, 6105 Lampertheim Relay, 6105 at 0405 in Belorusian. (Taylor, WI)
Radio Marti, 5025-Greenville in SS at 0350. (Padazopulos, Greece)
Radio Farda, 12005 at 1420 in Farsi. (Padazopulos, Greece)
WRMI, Miami, 21675-Okeechobee at 2250, closing “Radio Afrca Network,” f/by several P.O. Box addresses in various African countries. (KB2DMD, PA)
Adventist World Radio, 5975 via Nauen at 0403 in Bulgarian with M talking. (Taylor, WI)
Trans World Radio (p), 9900 at 0050 in (l) Bhojpuri, music bridge and M talking at some length, (Taylor, WI)

VATICAN STATE—Vatican Radio, 9560 via (p) Tinang in Mandarin at 1245. M talking, Hallelujah chorus with W over at end and into CC sounding music, later a M. (Taylor, WI) 11625 via Madagascar with an interview at 0523, language change at 0527. (Sellers, BC) 15370 at 1230 with ID and talks in RR. (Brossell, WI)

VIETNAMVoice of Vietnam, 9840 at 1327 with W and news. (Sellers, BC)

A thousand thanks to the following good folk who came through this time: Fotios Padazopulos, Athens, Greece; Steven C. Wood, Norwich, MA; Harold Sellers, Vernon, BC, Canada; Chris Lobdell, Tewksbury, MA; Mark Taylor, Madison, WI; Rich D’Angelo, Wyomissing, PA; William Hassig, Mt. Pleasant, IL; KB2DMD, Rich Parker, Pennsburg, PA; and Bob Brossell, Pewaukee, WI.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

June 2016 Shortwave Listening Logs

ALASKAKNLS, Anchor Point, 7355 in EE at 1211 with Bible stories in contemporary EE. (Brossell, WI) 1255 with pgm of contemporary Christian music and M ancr. (Taylor, WI)

ANGOLARadio  Nacional Angola, 4950-Mulenvos in PP at 0225 with (p) contemporary local music with M ancr. (Taylor, WI)

ARGENTINARadio Argentina al Exterior, 15345-Gral Pacheco,  with SS talks at 2350. (Brossell, WI)

ASCENSION ISLAND—BBC South Atlantic Relay, 7445 at 0534 on India’s poor and how Mother Theresa would have acted, 11810 with news at 2104. (Sellers, BC) 17850 at 1750 with a Sudanese official countering accusations of the government withholding food from the people. (KB2DMD, PA)

AUSTRALIAABC Northern Territory, 4835-Alice Springs at 0930 with usual fanfare and news by W, then unto songs and W geature at 1003. (Valko, PA) Reach Beyond Australia, 9625-Kununurra in II at 2221 with M ancr taking at some length. (Taylor, WI) 12075 at 1354 with W in Hindi. (Brossell, WI)

AUSTRIARadio Austria International, 6155-Moosbrunn at 0509 with news in GG. (Sellers, BC)
Adventist World Radio, 15290-Moosbrunn at 1550 with W talking in Punjabi.(KB2DMD, PA)

BOTSWANA—VOA Relay, 4930-Mopeng Hill at 0346 with a political discussion, 7275 with M/W doing news, 9815 at 0436 in the Kinyarwanda language with an interview. (Sellers, BC) 15580 with African Beat at 2022. (Brossell, WI)

BRAZIL(All in PP -gld)
Radio Municipal, Sao Gabriel, at 0948 with an ad block, ID and into domestic pops, (Valko, PA)
Radio Caiari, Porto Velho, at 0953 with deep-voiced M hosting a possible religious feature, clear ID, ad block,ID jingle and promo at 1007, M DJ and into music. (Valko, PA)
Radio Difusora Amazonas, Manaus, 4805. Came on between 0840-0955. M at 0957, ad block at  1000, website and phone, pgm promo. (Valko, PA)
Radio Difusion Rorarima, Boa Vista, 4875 at 0919 with M DJ taking callers, ID at 1005. (Valko, PA) with songs in PP at 0351 with mellow music. 30 seconds of dead air before the 0400 ID. (Taylor, WI)
Radio Cultura do Para, Belem, 4885 at 1000 with ID and brief anmt. (Valko, PA)
Radio Alvorada, Manaus, 4965 at 0919 with ad block, ID and another ad./promo black later Journal Alvorada pgm. (Valko, PA)
Radio Brazil Central, Goiania, 4985 at 0919 with lively Brazilpops, canned ID ID at 0924 with RTTY QRM on either side. (Valko, PA)
Radio Rio Mar, Manaus (p), 6160. Surprised to find CKZN inaudible. Usual shouted IDs at 1005. (Valko, PA)
Radio Marumby, Curitaba, 9515 at 2345 with usual singing ID jingle. Suddenly off at 2351. (Valko, P) Doing well at 2348. (Perry, IL)
Super Radio Deus e Amor, Curitiba (p) 9565.1 at 0044 with a preacher and brief music interludes. (Taylor, WI)
Radio Aparecida, Aparecida, 9630 with W ancr and songs. (Sellers, BC)
Radio Nacional Amazonia, Brasilia, 11780-Brasilia at 0300 with ID and  talks. (Brossell, WI)
Radio Banderiantes, Sao Paulo, 11925 at 0236, //9645.4 with M/W ancrs. (Delibert, MD)

CANADA—CFRX, Toronto, 6070 at  0446 with a host talking with three comedians, also ads for Rogers Wireless and Alarmforce, then into Day One ID.(Sellers, BC)
CKZN, St. John’s (Newfoundland), 6160 at 0231 with an interview at 0238. (Taylor, WI) 0445 with 0518 with CBCs Day Six pgm, hosted by Brent Bradbury. Nothing heard from CKZU. (Sellers, BC)
Bible Voice, 11875 via Nauen at 1650 with W talking at some length and South Asian music. (Taylor, WI)

CHINAChina Radio International, 7260-Xi’an in JJ at 1155 with upbeat pops. (KB2DMD, PA) 7415-Kashi with the Beijing Hour at 2035, also 9710-Kashi with SS songs at 0255. 17710-Beijing at 0620. (Padazopulos, Greece) 7300-Urumqi at 2311 with news and features pgm in CC hosted by several M, light music and some EE. (D’Angelo, PA) 7410-Jinhua at 1150 in (l) Tagalog, 9645-Beijing at 1140 in Cantonese, 11935-Shjiahuang at 1220 with M/W in RR, 13580-Kunming with pops at 1155. Abrupt close at 1157. (Brossell, WI)
CPBS, 7345-Beijing with W and Mandarin at 1132 (Brossell, WI) 11710-Beijing at 2357 with M/W and several CC anmts, 5+1 time pips at TOH. (D’Angelo, PA)
Nei Menggu PBS, Hohhot, 7270 at 1211 in Mongolian with Central Asian music. (Taylor, WI ) 9750 with acapella and talks in Mongolian. (Brossell, WI)
China National Radio/CPBS, 11710-Beijing at 2357 with M/W in CC, 5 +1 time pips on the hour, ID and news. (D’Angelo, PA)
Voice of the Strait, Fuzhou, 4940 at 1049 with M/W in Mandarin. (Brossell, WI) 1257 in Mandarin with M and brief sound bites, then M/W ancrs. (Taylor, WI)
Xinjiang PBS, 7230-Urumqi in Mongolian at 1207. (Brossell, WI)
Firedragon jammer, 9410 at 2110 against RFA. Jamming stopped at 2200, then went into CRI in PP from Kashi.  (Taylor, WI)

CZECH REPUBLICRadio Prague, 9955 via Okeechobee at 0310 with SS comments. (Padazopulos, Greece)

ECUADORHCJB, 6050-Pinchincha with a Christian song, Ecuadorian national anthem at 0457, choir and into SS anmt, time pips and off. (Sellers, BC) 1105 with SS talks. (Brossell, WI)

ENGLANDBBC Relay, Oman, 12035 with an interview at 0408. 12060 via South Africa at 0500 with BBC News, was looking for Lead Africa.  (Sellers, BC)

FRANCERadio France International, 7295-Issoudun in Hausa with jazz at 0618, 21580 with W in FF at 0518. (KB2DMD, PA) 7390-Issoudun at 0457 with news bulletin in FF at TOH. (Sellers, BC)

GERMANY—Deutsche Welle, 9800 via South Africa at 0512 discussing the popularity and political challenges for Angela Merkel, 12025 at 0405 with ID and line up for Into Europe pgm. (Sellers, BC) 15215-Trincomalee Relay at 1348 in (l) Dari. (Brossell, WI) 15275 via Trincomalee in Swahili at 1546 with W and  a phone interview. (KB2DMD, PA)

GREECEVoice of Greece, 9420-Avlis in Greek at 0249. (Brossell, WI)

GUATAMALA—Chiquimula, 4055 at 1110 with hymns and anmts in SS. (Brossell, WI)

GUYANAVoice of Guyana, Georgetown, 3290 at 0936 seemingy having modulation problems. (Valko, PA)

INDIAAll India Radio, 4920-Chennai at 1250 in Tamil with South Asian music and M ancr. (Taylor, WI) 9445-Bengaluru on the disappearance of Americans and Indians in Pakistan, plus music and other features, 15175-Panaji (Goa) at 1520 in Gujarati with M talking (KB2DMD, PA) 9445-Benguluru at 2201-2230* with W and news and ID for GOS at 2206. (D’Angelo, PA) 15050-Delhi at 1340 in (l) Sinhalese. (Brossell, WI)

INDONESIARadio Republik Indonesia, Merauke (Papua) 3905 in II at 1157 with pops, f/by time check and news. (Delibert, MD)

IRANIRIB, 6040-Sirjan at 2002 with EE commentary, also 7225-Kalamabad in SS at 0232. (Padazopulos, Greece) 9720 at 2159 with Qur’an recitations. (Brossell, WI)

JAPANNHK Radio Japan, 9765 via Nauen at 1835 with songs in JJ. (Padazopulos, Greece)
Radio Nikkei One, 6055-Nagara at 1243 in JJ with various JJ group dance music. Pgm Two, 6115-Nagara at 1238 with M/W talking at some length. (Taylor, WI) 9595 in JJ at 1110. (Brossell, WI)

MALAYSIASarawak FM, 9835-Kuching at 1114 with M in (l) Malay. (Brossell, WI)

MOROCCORadio Medi Un, 9575-Nador at 0414 in AA with vocals and instls. (Sellers, BC)

NEW ZEALANDRadio New Zealand International, 9700-Rangitaiki  on the lack of qualified doctors in Papua New Guinea. (Brossell, WI) 11725 with news at 0502. (Sellers, BC)

NIGERIAVoice of Nigeria, Ikorudu 7255 at 0615 with talks. (KB2DMD, PA)

OPPOSITION—Voice of Tibet (via Tajikistan to China), at 1351 with W in (l) Tibetan. (Brossell, WI)
Denge Kurdistane, (via Moldova to Kurdistan), 9400 in Kurdish at 2154, W singer, M with what did not sound like Qur’an recitations, joined later by an oud-like inst and anthem-like song by W chorus. Off in mid-song at 2159. (Taylor, WI
Radio Biafra, (via Bulgaria to Nigeria), 11600 at 2100 with mostly call-ins on politically related situations in Nigeria. Music at 2025, ID and an interview. (Taylor, WI)
Dandal Kura Radio (via Ascension to Nigeria), 7415 with two M talking in (l) Kanuri. (KB2DMD, PA)
Radio Tamajuzi (via France to Sudan), 9600 with two M in Sudanese at 0418. (Sellers, BC)

PERU—Radio Huanta dos Mil, 4748, Huanta at 1028 with M in Quechua, 1933 ad/promo block with phone number and ID. Faded quickly between 1045-1050 and barely audible by then. (Valko, PA)
Radio Tarma, Tarma,4775 at 0956 with usual sign on routine into Musica Folklorica Nacional pgm. (Valko, PA)

PHILIPPINESFar East Broadcasting Company, 9920-Iba at 1205 with talks in the (l) the Jarai language. (Brossell, WI)

PIRATES—Radio Free Whatever, 6960u, 0028 hosted by Dick Weed and a laundromat friend playing tunes and taking requests from posts on HF Underground. (Lobdell, WI) 0037 with a Lou Reed number. (Hassig, IL) 2345 with ID and punkish numbers. (Taylor, WI)
Moonlight Radio, 6930u at 2317 with Rick James numbers, full ID just before sign off. (Lobdell, MA) 6935u at 2309 with music and vague talk. ID from HF Underground. (Taylor, WI) 2331 with some static jazz, applause, more jazz. (Hassig, IL) 6940 with guitar and enthusiastic audience. (Taylor, WI)
Liquid Radio, 6925 at 0045 but poor and weak; could hear music poking through the noise level. Also at on different days at 0008, 0019, 2130.(Hassig, IL) 0104 with a dance thing up briefly through the noise. This one is a regular here on Saturdays. (Lobdell, MA)
Wolverine Radio, pgm 6960u at 0123 and various songs with death themes. SSTV/FAX SFX at 0220, 0212 with songs using life or living (Hassig, IL) 0127-0238 and SSTV QSL of a virus. (Taylor, WI)
Old Time Radio, 6770 at 0205 with what sounded like the Jack Benny pgm. 0245 with Burns and Allen, 0341 with the Mel Blanc pgm. (Hassig, IL)
Amphetamine Radio, 6925u at 1940 with rock, frequent IDs, SSTV. (Lobdell, MA)
Pee Wee Radio, 6940u at 0193 with rock/pop, CW ID at 0116, SSTV, another song and off. (Taylor, WI) 6950u at 0120-0139 with heavy metal, SSTV/FAX at 0142, CW at 0144 and off. (Hassig, IL) 6955u at 0123 with talk about saving the human race, “Ghost Riders in the Sky," another talk on motorcycle riding, another SSTV, CW ID and off. (Taylor, WI)
Brownie Radio, 6905u at 0000-0008 with various songs, computerized W voice with ID to closedown. (Lobdell, WI)
Big Johnson Radio, 6930u at 0310 poor with blues and UTE QRM. (Hassig, IL)
Captain Morgan, 6924.5 at 0212 weak with ID via HF Underground. (Taylor, WI)
WJD, 3495 barely detected at 0115. (Hassig, IL) 6920u at 0034 with rock and IDs. (Taylor, WI)
WLIS (We Love Interval Signals) 6925u at 1202 with RRI Indonesia, KTWR, Vatican. ID at 1206 close. Nice QSL after a post on HF Underground. (Lobdell, WI)
Black Cat Radio, 6935u at 0014ID, rock thing, SSTV image, ID and blues number to 0026 close. (Lobdell, MA)
Red Beacon Radio, 7610 at 1630 playing heavy metal rock, finally IDing. Claims only 15 watts and is looking for relays. Nice QSL from (Lobdell, WI) 1847 with metal and hard rock, audio cutting out. (Valko, PA)
Radio Azteca, 6925.3 atr 2045 poor/weak under low noise floor. (Taylor, WI)
Radio Zed, 6925 at 0242 with jazzy clarinet, weak but ID heard, (Taylor, WI)
Howdy Doody Radio, 6925.3 at 2153 with short bit of female child character, then signal dropped into static floor. ID from HF Ubdergroud. (Taylor, WI)
Little Feat-UK, 6320 at 2335-0003* with various numbers, IDs and email as (Lobdell, MA)
Shortwave Ghost, 6850 with rock, echo ID at 0011 with NA sung by a W, then off.(Hassig, IL) 6950 at 0010 with music and IDs. Email address and ID at 0037 close.(Taylor, WI)   
XEROX-Radio Duplicado, 6925.4 at 2258 poor/weak with storm static. (Hassig, IL) 6950 at 0007 with reggae, ID, several IDs at 018 and 0033. (Taylor, WI)
Technical Man-Holland, 6225 at 2249-0021 with several pieces and M with frequent IDs. (Lobdell, MA)
Radio Voyager-Italy, 6950 at 2259 with mostly soft jazz and frequent IDs. QSL from Op says he is near Venice using 500 watts. (Lobdell, MA)

ROMANIARadio Romania International, 5910-Tiganesti at 0255-0258* with instl music noted while trying for the Ugandan clandestine. (D’Angelo, PA) 6020 on the Chinese economy at 0440. (Sellers, BC) 7390 at 0443 with a mailbag pgm. (Sellers, BC) 7360-Galbeni with two W in FF. (KB2DMD, PA) 0615 with commentary. (Padazopulos, Greece)

SAUDI ARABIABSKSA, 11820-Jeddah at 2140-2152 with recitations, f/by AA talk and more of same. (D’Angelo, PA) 15225-Riyadh in AA at 1542 with talks. (KB2DMD, PA) 15380 in AA at 1336, 15575 at 1255  with IS, ID and into EE. (Brossell, WI)

SINGAPOREBBC Far East Relay, 9510 at 0005 with M ancr in Burmese. (Taylor, WI)15510 at 1148 on the US Civil War. (Brossell, WI)

SOUTH AFRICAChannel Africa,3345-Meyerton at 0422 on the history of Africans enslaved in America, 7230 at 0517 with a feature on Botswana. (Sellers, BC)
Radio Sonder Grense, 3320-Meyerton at 0402 in Afrikaans with blusey instls. (KB2DMD PA) This one really thumping in here at 0245. (Perry, IL)

SOUTH KOREAKBS Radio, 7275 at 1156 in KK, 1200 with fanfare and ID by W. (Taylor, WI)9740-Kimjae at 1604 with news in KK. (Padazopulos, Greece)

SUDANSudan Radio,7205 with M in AA at 0330. (Brossell, WI)

SWAZILAND—Trans World Radio, 3200-Manzini at 0338 with M preaching with many “Amens”, 4775 in GG at 0401 and choir with hymn and M speaker.(Sellers, BC) 9500 at 1805 with news in EE. (Padazopulos, Greece)

TAIWANRadio Taiwan International, 6105-Kouho at 2237 two M in Mandarin with instls music and anmts at TOH. (D’Angelo, PA) 15265 with M/W in Mandarin at 1318. (Brossell, WI)

TURKEYVoice of Turkey, 9655 at with a mailbag pgm at 0423. (Sellers, BC) 15450 at 1226 with Mideast music and an ID at 1228. (Brossell, WI)

UNITED STATES—Voice of America, 9490 Ascension relay at 2151 with talks in (l) Bambara, 9490 Northern Marianas Relay in KK at 1214, 11990 Philippine relay at 1220 with W in KK. 15115 Thailand Relay at 1315 with M in Mandarin. (Brossell, WI) 15580 via Vatican at 2118 with pops, 17895 at 1726 on restoration of Jimi Hendrix’ apartment. (KB2DMD, PA)
RFE/RL, 7435 Lampertheim Relay in RR at 0628. (KB2DMD, PA) 7470-via Mongolia in  Tibetan at 1305 and 11890 Lampertheim in RR at 1652. (Taylor, WUI) 15225 via Wertachtal at 1407 with talks in (l) Turkmen. (Brossell, WI)
Radio Free Asia, 15275 with talks by W in Tibetan at 1310. (Brossell, WI)
WMLK Bethel, PA, 9275 at 11834 with M preacher but not strong enough to be audible. Thanks Ralph Perry for the tip. (Valko, PA) 946-2007 with EE religion, program address at TOH, then another religious pgm .(D’Angelo, PA)
Adventist World Radio, 15150 via Nauen in Punjabi at 1518. (KB2DMD, PA)

VATICANVatican Radio, 7360, .//11625 (via Madagascar) at 0517 on teaching children. (Sellers, BC) 7360 at 0303 on worship in Africa, 15570 at 2017 on human rights abuses in Africa. (Brossell, WI)

VIETNAMVoice of Vietnam, 7220-Sontoy at 1153 in RR with W talking. (KB2DMD, PA)7435-Son Toy in VV at 1208 with M/W in VV, musical bridges.(Taylor, WI)

Fist bumps, man-hugs, back slaps and high fives to the following folk for their faithful support: Arthur Delibert, Bethesda, MD; KB2DMD; Rich Parker, Pennsburg, PA; Fotios Padazopulos, Athens, Greece; Dave Valko, Dunlo, PA; Richard D’Angelo, Wyomissing, PA; Harold Sellers, Vernon, BC; Mark Taylor, Madison, WI; and Robert Brossell, Pewaukee, WI.