Anchor Point, 9920 in Mandarin at 1302 with IS, theme, ID, website address,
then contemporary music. (Taylor, LFP,
WI) 11870 closing English at
1254, then off. Also 11885 (unscheduled) in Mandarin, starting English at 1200.
(Valko, PA).
Tirana, 5850 via Okeechobee at 2303 with woman readind the news in English.
Closed at 2359. (D’Angelo, PA)
ALGERIA—Radio Algerienne, 7495 via France in Arabic
at 2220, Man giving Qur’an recitations. Heavy QRM from WBCQ-7490. (Cooper, PA)
ASCENSION—BBC-South Atlantic Relay, English Bay, 6005 and 6195 with sports
commentary at 1905, also 15400 with an interview. (Padazopulos, Greece)
9915 ending at 2128, brief contemporary dance music fading into another ID and
then into the next program. (Taylor,
WI) 11810 in English at 2005 with
World Service ID, news headlines. (Cooper, PA) 15400 at 1945 with interview about Zimbabwe’s
government. (Brossell, WI)
AUSTRALIA—Reach Beyond Australia, Kununurra, 9685 at 1156 with
discussion the Chin language, (Taylor, LFP,
WI) in Rawang, with piano number
at 1222, “Reach Beyond” theme and SE Asian music. (Taylor, WI)
World Radio, 9510-Moosbrunn at *0200 with woman giving English ID, opening announcement,
then into Urdu. (D’Angelo, PA)
6195 at 2150 with woman talking and several pop things. Closed at 2158 with Yankee Doodle, Off at 2200. (Cooper, PA)
15580-Mopeng Hill, with news at 1900. (Padazopulos,
Greece) 2000
with opening ID and welcome. (Brossell,
BRAZIL—(All in Portuguese –GLD)
Radio Clube do Para, Belem,
4865 at 0232 with Brazil-pops and announcements, ID. (D’Angelo, PA)
Radio Aparecida, Aparecida, 6135.2 at 0051 with man hosting program
of vocals. (Taylor, WI)
Voz Missionaria, Florinapolis, 9665.9 at 0159, man with 0200
ID, into slow piano, then man with instrumentals. (Taylor, WI)
Radio Cancao Nova, Cachoeria Paulista, 9675, man at some
length, then a 2nd man. (Taylor, WI)
Radio Transmundial, (t) Santa Maria, 11735 at 1733 ending song and male
announcer. (Valko, PA)
2052-2101* with Zanzibar
absent. But was quite weak so I can call this only tentative. (D’Angelo, PA)
Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia, 11780 at 1102. (Brossell, WI)
Radio Brazil Central, Goiana, 11815 at 005 with man hosting
pop vocals. (D’Angelo, PA)
6070 at 0133 before local sunset covering terrorist attacks in London. ID and ads at
0149. (Sellers, BC)
CKZN, St. Johns (Newfoundland),
6160 at 0105 with CBC ID, weather, program promo. (Cooper, PA)
0115 with Saturday Night Blues, later at 0203 had CBC News. (Sellers, BC)
CHINA—China Radio International, 5970 and
6055 both via Albania with French news at 1910, 7340-Kashi with history program
at 1830, 9560-Urumqi with HH comments at 1912, 9600-Beijing at 1845 on local
issues, 17490-Kashi with news at 1130. (Padazopulos,
Greece) 6020 Albania Relay
at 0044 in English. Woman with features, man at 0025 with features, ID at 0047.
(Cooper, PA)
7325-Jinhua in Japanese at 1106, 9675-Shijiazhuang at 1400 with talks in Russian,
11910-Beijing with talks in (l) Amoy at 1344.
(Brossell, WI) 7410-Jinhua at 1130 with Mandarin and
Tagalog IDs, then female announcer and (p) opening announcement. An FEBC
broadcast continued underneath, 7445-Urumqi at 2148. man/woman with music
bridges. Fun to report a station in Hungarian these days. (Taylor, WI)
Voice of the Strait, Fuzhou,
4940 in Mandarin at 1140. (Brossell,
WI) 9505, Gutain (p) Woman with
music bridges between short sections. (Taylor, LFP, WI)
COLOMBIA—Alcaravan Radio, Puerto Lleras, 5910
in Spanish at 0025 in Spanish with female vocal, man hosting vocals. (Cooper, PA)
0207 with man speaking at some length. (Taylor,
WI) 0230-0345 man giving long Spanish
religious talk followed by male vocals. (D’Angelo, PA)
6050-Pichincha in Quechua at 0049 with group vocal by several men, female announcer,
then a man. (Cooper, PA)
7445-Wooferton in Dari at 0040 ending central Asian song and female announcer.
(Taylor, WI)
11810 via Meyerton with sports commentary at 1846. (Padazopulos, Greece)
France International, 17620-Issoudun with sports commentary at 1846,
17660-Issoudun with news in Portuguese at 1903. (Padazopulos, Greece)
GERMANY—Deutsche Welle, 15275
via France
at 1720 with talks in French. (Brossell,
GUAM—KTWR, 9475 in Amoy
at 1211, with woman talking. (Taylor, LFP,
WI) 9910 at 1115 with hymns and announcements
in Mandarin. (Brossell, WI)
GUATAMALA—Radio Verdad, Chiquimula, 4055 at
1054 with hymns and Spanish announcements. (Brossell, WI)
GREECE—Voice of Greece, 9420-Avlis in Greek at
2303. (Brossell, WI)
at 1218 with woman giving time just before top of minute. Gave sea conditions,
including monsoon warnings. Co-channel WWV gave time at top of the minute. (Taylor, WI)
INDIA—All India
Radio, 7550-Bengaluru at 2225 in English, man doing interview, woman giving ID
at 2229. Off at 2230. (Cooper,
PA) 11670-Bengaluru with
sub-Continental music. (Brossell,
WI) 11860-Bengaluru at 1511 in
Pashto with program of Indian film music and female announcer. (Taylor, WI)
Athmik Yatra Radio, 9450 via Nauen in Bhili with man
speaking, music bridge, Indian postal address and phone, then woman giving
different address, S. Asian flute and off at 0030. (Taylor, WI)
15390 via Nauen relay in (l) the Karbi language. (Brossell, WI)
7410-Sirjan in Azeri at 0008 with male vocals, then into Qur’an, 9760 (p) at
0112 in Turkish with Qur’an. Then off at 0120. (Taylor, WI)
7425-Zahedan, with man droning on in Arabic at 2147 and at 0148 with instrumentals and male announcer.
(Taylor, WI)
9810 fairly strong, but extremely weak modulation. English ID at 1922. (Valko, PA)
JAPAN—NHK/Radio Japan, 6015 via Issoudun
at 0330 looking for Zanzibar,
but found NHK in Japanese. They should be on 6105 at this time. Several IDs,
continuous music, but mainly talks. (D’Angelo, PA) 9750-Yamata at 1216 in with man
speaking in Japanese interacting with several people in a street scene, 11885
via Madagascar in French at 2030 with carrier on, IS, ID, and into (p) news,
9625 (p) via Palau at 1151 in II, woman with music, then man. Poor, 11840 via Singapore at
1234 in Thai with alternating male/female announcers. (Taylor, LFP,
WI) 11985 via Madagascar in French at 2054. (Brossell, WI) 15130 via France at 1906
with news in Japanese. (Padazopulos,
Radio Nikkei 1, 9695-Nagara with man/woman speaking in Japanese
at 1134. (Taylor, WI)
KUWAIT—Radio Kuwait, 15540-Sulaibiyah at
*1756 with instrumental to opening, 5+1 time pips and ID, giving time as “9 p.m.,
1800 hours UTC.” Then into biography of the Holy Prophet, followed by pops to
news at 1830. (D’Angelo, PA) 1822 with “gangsta rap,” announcer in English.
(KB2DMD, PA) 1905 in English featuring a local celebrity. (Padazopulos, Greece)
2017 with pops, PSAs, ID, and news at 2050. Another ID and program info at
2058, off at 2100. (Cooper,
9835-Kuching (p) at 1258 in Malay with domestic music, male announcer. (Taylor,
MYANMAR—Radio Myanmar, 5985 already in at 2345,
seemed to start with carrier at 2300, female announcer began shortly after. (Valko, PA)
MEXICO—Radio Educacion, Mexico
D.F., 6185 at 0010 with traditional songs. (Cooper, PA)
0356 with female/male announcers in Spanish hosting a news magazine with
various remote reports, nice ID at 0402. (D’Angelo, PA)
NEW ZEALAND—Radio New Zealand International,
7425-Rangitaiki on Yo Yo Ma at 1245. (Brossell,
WI) 13840 at 2105 with various
news reports, followed by sports news, then Dateline
Pacific. (Cooper, PA)
NORTH KOREA—Voice of Korea, 9665 at 1258 in Korean with woman
singing in usual DPRK-style operas through the top of the hour. (Taylor, WI)
11710-Kujang in Korean at 1230 with man speaking in Korean and DPRK operatic
music, //11680-Kangge, 11735-Kujang, 13760-Kujang with woman speaking and news
in English. (Taylor, LFP, WI) 15180-Kujang with man/woman speaking in
Korean from 1250 to past 1300, somewhat impeded by an industrial noise jammer.
(Figliozzi, NY, who asks whether anyone jams DPRK
Sultanate of Oman, 15140-Thumrait in Arabic with man talking and music bridges.
OPPOSITION—Sound of Hope (Taiwan to China), 13890 at 1357 in Mandarin, woman/man
alternating, then man talking, fanfare, and off as scheduled. (Taylor, LFP, WI)
Voice of Tibet
(via Tajikistan to China), 15527
at 1302 in Tibetan apparent phone-in report with woman in studio. Off at 1305.
Nippon No Kaze, (Japan to North Korea), 9900 at 1300 with man
speaking in Korean with 3+1 time pips, theme music, woman talking over dramatic
music. (Taylor, LFP, WI).
Radio Dabanga (via Madagascar
to Sudan),
15150 in (l) Sudanese at 1549. (Brossell,
Radio Tamazuj (via Vatican
to Sudan), 9600 at 0337 with
several male announcers in heated Arabic discussion about Sudan, //11650 via Madagascar. (D’Angelo, PA)
Denge Kurdistane (via Bulgaria
to Turkey),
7350 at *0230-0321 with a Kurdish vocal, then continuous music pieces. Man
giving Kurdish talk, (p) news from 0301, back to music at 0306. (D’Angelo, PA,
Taylor, LFP, WI) 11600 at 1953 in Kurdish, woman singing a traditional song, female
announcer then man speaking at 2000.(Cooper,
Que Me Radio, (p) (via Palau
to Vietnam),
9930 at 1213 in Vietnamese. Woman giving information slowly. Abrupt drop in
signal at 1215. (Taylor, WI)
Radio Sana’a (Saudi Arabia to Yemen), 11860 at 1242 with man
speaking in Arabic alternating harp music, then woman, later man for some time.
(Taylor, LFP, WI)
Medorn, at 1306 with man giving long English religious testimony. ((Taylor, LFP, WI)
PHILIPPINES—Far East Broadcasting Co., (p)
7430-Bocaue with man speaking in Khmer at 1112, indigenous flute, then man/woman
talking and SE Asian harp, 9790-Iba at 1152 in Vietnamese, man talking, ending announcements,
Vietnamese song and off at 1159, 9920-Iba (p) at 1208 in Jamal, expressive man
talking for some time. Could have been Sound of Hope or a CNR-1 jammer. (Taylor, WI)
Radio Veritas Asia,
15355-Palauig in (l)
Tagalog at 2325. (Brossell,
PIRATES—Radio Free Whatever, 6940u at 0000
on his speeding, also at 0236 with ID and “spacey” music.(Hassig, IL)
0006 ending song, ID, more rock, shout-out to the HFU folks. (Taylor, WI)
2333 with the Soviet national anthem, “Dick Weed” with some talk and obscure
rock, canned IDs and shout-outs. (Taylor,
WI) 0042 with rock with ID with
rock, ID, email address, more rock. 6960 at 0109 with variety of music, announcemtns
by “Dick Weed.”(Taylor, LFP,
WI) 2355 weak with heavy metal. (Hassig, IL)
Liquid Radio, 6925 at 0127 with “trance” music, later ’90s
hardcore rock. Weak but clearly audible, 0227 weak under the noise level. ID
from HFU. (Hassig, IL) 0343 (p) breakthrough of usual
contemporary dance things. (Taylor,
Unknown Name Radio Network, jumped from 6880 to 6988 at
0000, then back and forth before eventually settling on 6988. Initially very
weak music which came up at 0008. Had enough strength to make out electronic
music. (Taylor, WI) 0118 with instrumental techno, instrumental,
ID and web address, Back again at 0135. (Cooper,
PA) 2228, also 0114; IDs from
HFU. (Hassig, IL)
Pee Wee Radio, 6925 at 0020 weak but coming up to be
contemporary dance things, CW ID 2031, later CW ID, Off about 0053. (Taylor,
LFP WI) 6934.7 at 0138 with electronic blues, 0150 SSTV, 6939.6u at 0019 with
segued hard rock, CW, more rock, mostly hard stuff eventually, CW IDs and some
SSTV. (Taylor, WI) 0239 with heavy metal and punk. SSTV/FAX
at end. (Hassig, IL)
Captain Morgan, 6950.5 at 0053 with rock. Heard on another
RX while listening to Wolverine. (Hassig,
IL) 0205, weak music, ID, more
music. (Taylor, WI)
Crystal Ship, 6870 at 0100 with oldies and periodic IDs. (Taylor, WI)
0058 and 0118 with bubblegum things from ’60s and ’70s. (Hassig, IL)
Radio Free Mars, 6949.6 at 0012. Carrier with music
unintelligible talk to 0021 then more dance music, ID, and several more songs.
(Taylor, WI)
Radio Illuminati, 6920 at 0135 with program of oldies, occasional
IDs, including one at 0146. (Taylor,
YHWH, 7585 at 0322 with preacher. Initially strong but
dropped to almost nothing at 0325. (Taylor, LFP, WI)
7615 at 0410 with preacher and usual distinctive theology. Droning on through top
of the hour without an ID or program change, 7630 preacher fading in and out
from 0347, ID at 0534 and start of another sermon. (Taylor, WI)
He Man Radio, 6950 at 0102 with music, various skits and IDs
from HF Underground. (Taylor, LFP,
WI) 0102 with a radio drama, and
ID after a song, repeating jingle. 0132 dead air, then off/on. Came back at
0137. (Valko, PA)
WREC/Radio East Coast, 6880 at 0100 with ID, email, mellow
Irish music, ID, another ID, a Star Trek parody and punk stuff. Off at 0149
after ID and contact info. (Taylor, LFP,
Clever Name Radio, 6940/6945 at 0220 with IDs, contemporary
dance, rock, hard rock, more IDs, 2240 with basically more of the same.
(Taylor, LFP, WI) 6945u at 0013 with soft instrumentals,
some rock, repeated IDs for about a minute. (Hassig, IL)
Northwoods Radio, 6935u at 0107 with anti-war songs and
skits, Christmas themes, CW ID at 0202 and off. (Taylor, LFP, WI)
0135 with light music, man talking, heavy metal, brief clip of “When Johnny
Comes Marching Home.” (Hassig,
IL) 2318 ending number, ID with
email, canned ID, network ID and email again. (Valko, PA)
Cool AM Relay, 6835 at 0032 with Spanish guitar. Gypsy swing
ID at 0100, CW ID and off. (Taylor,
WI) 6850.5 in and out several
times. Several rock things segued at 0112, ID. (Taylor, WI)
2333 and 0050 weak with bits of pop. HFU for ID. (Hassig, IL)
Bangalore Poacher, 6870u at 0002, Lincolnshire Poacher IS,
various Indian things, then repetitive numbers, various voices, and parody
songs. (Taylor, LFP, WI)
0005 with Lincolnshire
tune, sounding like a mobile ice cream sales van. (Hassig, IL)
0042 with continuous sound bites, ads in Indian-accented English. ID and two
short melodies as if it was an IS. (Valko,
Voice of Radio Week, 6030 at 0948 with man talking about the
program and changes to the schedule. (Taylor, LFP, WI)
Wolverine Radio, 6940 at 0032 with variety of songs using “big.”
SSTV/FAX at 0121 close. (Hassig,
Ion Radio, 6925.1 at 0032 with blues, CW ID, SSTV email address,
more rock. (Taylor, WI)
Radio Cinco de Mayo, 6935u at 0022 with Ranchero and other
Mexican-influenced music. (Taylor,
Recycle Radio, 6899.7 at 0003 with “prock,” ID, then into
more of the same. (Taylor, WI) 0024, but very poor and barely detectable
carrier in SSB. ID from HFU. (Hassig,
IL) 6924.4 closing UD at 2318, “Glory,
Glory We Adore Thee” then SSTV.
Hot Radio, 6850.5 at 0004, barely there under noise. ID from
HFU. (Hassig.IL) 6900.4 with various rock things, ID at 0056. (Taylor, WI)
Burn It Down Radio, 6925u at 0049 with IS, ID 0051 rock,
then a harder thing and into segued stuff. (Taylor, WI)
WDDR, 6935u at 0045 with DJ banter, ID at 0101. He mentioned
my name from my post on HFU. SSTV/FAX photos of Wolverine Radio pics. Then off.
(Hassig, IL)
Laser Hot Hits, (Euro), 6220 at 0044 with pop, man talking
between songs,0050 jingle, short canned ID by man. (Valko, PA)
0344. man with English chatter and pops, time pips and ID at 0400. (D’Angelo,
ROMANIA—Radio Romania International,
7325-Tiganesti at 0012 with Radio
Newsreel, IDs, features, Athlete of
the Week and DX Mailbag,
7430-Galbeni at 2216 with ID, Man in English with program previews, then World of Culture. 9510-Galbeni at *0157
with IS and opening in Spanish. Completely covered by AWR Moosbrunn opening at
0200. (D’Angelo, PA) 2215 with ID, Man speaking English, then woman on tourist
attractions. (Cooper, PA) 9730-Tiganesti, in French at 0105 with
news and into another program. (Sellers, BC) 15130-Galbeni with listener mail at 1140. (Padazopulos, Greece)
SAO TOME—VOA Relay, Pinheira, 11900 at 2103 with man speaking
and news in French. (D’Angelo, PA) 17530 at 1927 in French. (Brossell, WI)
with a phone interview in Arabic at 1515. (Brossell, WI)
1728-1756* with 2 men speaking in Arabic, light instrumentals, more talks. Program
ended abruptly when cut in mid-sentence. (D’Angelo, PA)
SOUTH KOREA—7275-Kimjae
at 1057 in Korean with public speech. Off without announcements at 1100. (Taylor, WI)
SPAIN—Radio Exterior de Espana, 15500
in Spanish at 1850. (Brossell,
WI) 17715 and 17855 both Nobeljas
in Spanish at 1855. (Padazopulos,
Broadcasting Corp.,11905-Trincomalee at 0125 with Hindi vocals, man speaking in
Hindi. Fading down rapidly after 0200. (D’Angelo, PA) 0140 in Hindi with SE
Asian music and male announcer. (Taylor,
SWAZILAND—Trans World Radio, 9940-Manzani, at
1945 in French, man giving long monologue, instrumental, man giving ID, email
and web addresses. Off on schedule at 1950. (Cooper, PA)
Taiwan International, 3955 at 1910 with news in French. (Padazopulos, Greece)
9660 at 1123 with talks in Mandarin. (Brossell,
THAILAND—Radio Thailand, 5875 at 1110 with talks
in Vietnamese. (Brossell, WI) 15590-Udon Thani at 0005 with English
news snippets but hard to make out much. (D’Angelo, PA)
TURKEY—Voice of Turkey, 9465-Emirler at
0159 in Uighur with man giving ID, web address spelled out in English and French,
ID and probable news. (Taylor,
WI) 9515-Emirler at 0300 with ID,
news, Question of the Month. Off at 0352. (Cooper, PA)
9610-Emirler at 1402 in Italian, 9785-Emirler in English at 1846. (Padazopulos, Greece) 9830-Emirler at *2157 with
light instrumentals, time pips at 2200, male announcer opening program, news
headlines, and features. (D’Angelo, PA) 13635-Emirlrer, mellow instrumentals
and man speaking in Turkish. (Taylor, LFP,
WI) 15520 with Turkish songs at
1716. (Brossell, WI)
UNITED STATES—Voice of America, 9490-Northern
Marianas Relay (p) at 1224, English sound bite translated into Korean, 12035
Thailand Relay VOA-Deewa Radio (p) at 1307 also in Pashto, 2 men alternating
with (p) news. (Taylor, WI) 9840 via UAE at 0143 in Pashto with SE
Asian flutes, male announcer with a field report, 11825-Philippine Relay in
Mandarin at 1242, 15630 in (l) Amharic at 1826. (Brossell,
WI) 11900 via Vatican
at *2130-2200 after Sao Tome closed; opened
with news in Bambara. (D’Angelo, PA) 12035 and 15110-Thailand Relay in Mandarin
with CNR jamming at 1330. (Figliozzi,
NY) VOA/Radio Marshaal, 15360 in
(l) Pashto at 1253. (Brossell,
Radio Free Asia, 11540-Northern Marianas
Relay, 15275 in (l) Tibetan at 1322. (Brossell, WI) 13830 via Dushanbe
with man/woman talking in Tibetan at 1325. (Figliozzi, NY)
Radio Liberty-Lampertheim Relay 15180 in (l) Uzbek at 1400.
(Brossell, WI)
Radio Farda, 12005 via Woofferton at 1306 in Farsi with woman
and contemporary songs. (Taylor,
Adventist World Radio, 15480 via Madagascar with Arabic talks at
1920. (Brossell, WI)
Trans World Radio, 9900 via Moldova
in Tibetan at 0123, man with organ hymn, woman giving postal address in India. ID,
theme, IS and off at 0130. (Taylor,
Overcomer Ministry, 5900 via Bulgaria at 0208 with Brother
Stair, //5850-WRMI. (Taylor,
Radio Prague,
5850 via Okeechobee at 2332-2359* with English news, ID, and features. (D’Angelo,
Radio Payam e-Doost, 7460 via Moldova at 0228 with off/on tone, program
start at 0230, and ID. (Valko,
WRMI, Okeechobee, 11825 in English
with CNR-1 jammer in Mandarin mixing at 1256. CNR went off at 1300. (Taylor,
WI) 11580 with Jeff White hosting Viva
Miami interviewing Mike Fahey about North Korea. (D’Angelo, PA) 1925 with female
preacher, Bible verses and Yehweh. (Cooper,
WINB, Red Lion, 9265 at 0303 very
weak. Perhaps using exciter power only, or a makeshift antenna after their
fire. (KB2DMD, PA)
Voice of the Report of the Week,
9395 via Okeechobee, stumbled across this at 0002 with host apologizing for a
decision (a program cutback?), plenty of program IDs, music and a Japanese ID.
(D’Angelo, PA)
Requiem For Radio, a combined program
on WRMI-11580, //WBCQ-5130 also 9620 via Moosebrunn and 9690 via Nauen, from
2300 with various tracks of music and talk. (Cooper, PA)
Radio, 11730 at 0132 in Malay. Man
with mellow bridge music, then 2nd man mentioning “Vatican ambassador” and Afghanistan. (Taylor, WI)
11875 at 1245 in Russian, man with musical bridges. (Taylor, LFP, WI)
VIETNAM—Voice of
Vietnam, 7315 via Cypress Creek 0125 with woman on a song that was adopted by
the Vietnamese Army, then played the entire song. Program ended at 0128. (Cooper, PA) 0118 with a
feature on Vietnam’s
culture. (Sellers, BC)
A GAZILLION THANKS to all the good guys who hung in
there with their contributions month after month: Mark Taylor, Madison, WI and LFP DXpedition (including Bill Dvorak and Charlie Forthsyth, both from Madison); Rich D’Angelo, Wyomissing, PA; John
Figliozzi, Half Moon, NY; Fotios
Padazopulos, Athens, Greece; William
Hassig, Mt. Pleasant, IL; KB2DMD, Rich
Parker, Pennsburg, PA; Dave Valko,
Dunlo, PA; Harold Sellers, Vernon,
BC; Ralph Perry, Wheaton, IL. Bob Brossell, Pewaukee, WI.
Thanks to all of you. Until next month, good listening, celebrate shortwave,
and keep on keepin’ on!